Job Posting

Thank you for posting your job with AFP Greater Madison.  Reminder, you will receive an email notification that your submission is complete. This serves as a receipt for your payment.  The contact information you enter below will not appear in the post; it is for internal purposes.

Posting Salary Range

Did you know that job postings with salary ranges posted get 30% more attention?

AFP Greater Madison strongly encourages job posters to disclose salary ranges when posting positions. Declining to disclose the range reinforces gender, race, and other salary gaps we see in our profession and throughout the job market. In alignment with our AFP Code of Ethics, we believe in transparency with our donors and clients, as well as our potential hires. Additionally, salary surprises can lead to job prospects and hiring managers wasting their time. We encourage you to take this into consideration when submitting your job posting.

**Please note that we share the salary ranges in our weekly emails.  If you don't share the salary/pay in your job posting with us, we will note that "Salary: Not Disclosed" in our weekly emails. 


Indicates required field

Contact Information

Posting Information

Only paste PLAIN TEXT. Use the plaintext.png icon to add description as PLAIN TEXT.  
Only paste PLAIN TEXT. Use the plaintext.png icon to add how to apply as PLAIN TEXT.  
Posting Levels