Get Involved

Maximize your AFP Greater Madison experience and become active in the chapter! We offer a variety of ways for you to deepen your involvement,  including serving on a committee or the board, assisting with events, supporting the BE the CAUSE campaign, or asking your business to sponsor a program.


The heart of AFP Greater Madison’s work is done through committees. Joining a committee is a great way to meet your peers, network and enhance your leadership skills. With your voice at the table, there’s so much more we can achieve. There are many ways to get involved, with flexible time commitments. 



Board of Directors

Active chapter members establish the organization’s long-term strategy and objectives and guide our programs and activities; traditionally, board members are nominated after service on a committee.
President: Mike Sweitzer-Beckman

Past President: Anna January
President-Elect: Beth Larson
Treasurer: Erin Krysinski
Secretary: Jen Allen

Are you interested in serving AFP Greater Madison through board service? The Chapter accepts applications to serve as a member of the AFP Greater Madison Board of Directors for terms beginning in January of each year (or when a position opens). Chapter Board members are charged with facilitating and monitoring chapter activities. The board structure consists of committee co-chairs for nine committees. 

Apply Today

After the application process, candidates will be reviewed by the Executive Committee and a board slate will be presented to the Chapter membership at the Annual Meeting in December. All members (membership is required) are welcome to apply to serve on the Board of Directors. 

For more information or questions about serving on the AFP Greater Madison Board of Directors, contact Jen Davie, Chapter Director.

Participation in any committee below does not require an AFP membership.



Promotes communications within our chapter (e.g., newsletter and website) and with the larger community (via media relations, partnership opportunities, and social media). Committee members support the writing of articles and press releases monthly.


Membership and Engagement

The committee welcomes new members with personal contact and networking opportunities, provides information to interested prospective members and works to recruit new members. This committee also plans networking opportunities for members and non-members.

National Philanthropy Day

Plans and conducts the National Philanthropy Day honoree luncheon (held annually in November), our major annual special event that celebrates and honors outstanding contributions to philanthropy in our community.

Professional Development

Provides opportunities for members to enrich their skills and add to their knowledge base. Volunteers plan programming including identifying topics and recruiting speakers. Programs (speakers) and roundtables (open discussion) occur on alternating months throughout the year.



Promotes the availability of scholarships and reviews applications regularly. Volunteers also work with scholarship recipients on follow-up tasks, such as writing about their use of the scholarship.



Pairs mentors and mentees on an annual basis. Volunteers also work to ensure mentorship pairs are resourced and engaging throughout their placement year.


Fundraising Day Wisconsin

This committee plans an annual day of professional development. Speaker and sponsor recruitment as well as event logistics are handled by this team of volunteers.

AFP Greater Madison raises money each year to support the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy’s BE the CAUSE campaign. The funds used from this campaign support scholarships, diversity initiatives, and industry research, locally and internationally. 

A portion of the funds raised by AFP Greater Madison stays with our chapter. Each year, we commit these dollars to our local scholarship efforts. We offer scholarships to various programs and workshops to help our members develop the skills they need to be successful fundraisers and leaders. 

We’re proud to have 100% participation from the AFP Greater Madison Board of Directors and many local Chapter members support this campaign. In 2022,  proceeds from this campaign supported our local IDEA efforts.

Please join us in supporting BE the CAUSE by making your gift to the AFP Foundation.


Sponsoring an AFP Greater Madison program is a great way for companies and organizations to connect with southcentral Wisconsin’s robust nonprofit community. Your support is not only an investment in innovative high-quality professional development, but it also helps us keep registration fees low and provide scholarships for the nonprofits we serve.

If you would like to learn more about sponsoring one of the programs below, please send us a message

  • National Philanthropy Day 
  • Fundraising Day Wisconsin
  • Monthly Programming

Volunteers taking sponsorship applications at AFP conference.

"My membership in and service to AFP has been one of the highlights of my career as a CPA who works with nonprofit organizations on a daily basis. It has given me a greater perspective and depth of understanding the challenges that fundraisers face. AFP has so enhanced my professional and personal life as I have made great friends and now have the pleasure of working with many of them as clients.”

Kirsten Houghton, SVA
Kirsten Houghton,
SVA Certified Public Accountants