Member Spotlight: Paul Harrison

This month we highlight Paul Harrison, the longtime Development and Communications Director for Access Health Centers of 15+ years in Madison. Check out his lengthier feature in Madison Magazine here. Thanks for your commitment and good works in our community, Paul!

Paul Harrison’s introduction to philanthropy came early on during his childhood. “It comes from how you were raised and what was in front of you.” Inspired by his experiences growing up, Paul has dedicated his career to cultivating community through philanthropy.

He began volunteering for the Aids Network. There, he experienced everything from helping with childcare to cleaning up around the program spaces. 

When he first started in Development formally, Paul recalls “I called everyone I ever met.” Through personal outreach and connections, he found opportunities for mentorship and growth. 

Membership in AFP resonated with his work as a nonprofit consultant and provided opportunities to learn, conversations around ethics, and - most importantly - relationships. 

Paul describes the work of a fundraising professional as “You are the conduit between wonderful people who want to do wonderful things and the organization and work to be done.”

It is the role of a fundraiser to help someone have a connection. 

When asked about some of the stumbling blocks he has faced over his career, Paul recounts the time spent carting heavy bags of coins to the bank for counting. “I will never do a penny campaign again!”

His best advice? THANK people - personally. “It’s kind of extraordinary.”

Paul Harrison