Celebrating New & Renewing AFP Members

Welcome to our new AFP Greater Madison Chapter members and thank you to our renewing members! We are excited to have these members as a part of our community of fundraisers coming together to learn, connect, and support the causes we believe in.

Learn more about membership and benefits 

Connect and welcome new and renewing members through Facebook and Linkedin.

Welcome to new AFP Greater Madison Chapter members who have joined since November 18:

Amy Bonomie

Monique Bryson

Mark Considine

Kathy Eckenrod

Lisa Peyton-Caire

Nick Putnam

Brittany Ranum

Julie Sternal

Alia Stevenson

Julie Wiedmeyer

Thank you to renewing AFP Greater Madison Chapter members who have renewed since November 18:

Adam Erdmann

Aimee Granger, CFRM

Nancy Hansis

Paul D. Harrison, CFRE

Angela Moore

A.B. Orlik

Elissa Russell

Kari Stauffer

Emily Wills

Debra Wolniak

Chris Ziemba, CFRE

